Account integration using Access Token

To begin, you will need:

STEP 1: Open your AWS Management Console.

STEP 2: Click on your name on the top right and select [Security Credentials] from the dropdown.

STEP 3: Click on the [Create New Access Key] button, under the Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) section.

STEP 4: Click on the [Show Access Key] button.

STEP 5: Copy the displayed Access Key ID.

STEP 6: In iMBrace, enter the name for your credentials in the Credentials Name field in the AWS credentials.

STEP 7: Paste the Access Key ID in the Access Key ID field in the AWS credentials.

STEP 8: From AWS console, copy the secret access key.

STEP 9: In iMBrace, paste the secret access key in the Secret Access Key field in the AWS credentials.

STEP 10: Click the [Create] button to save your credentials.

DONE: The credential can then be used for AWS nodes.

Last updated