Board Management
iMBrace offers a range of features designed to facilitate easier management of your data board.
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iMBrace offers a range of features designed to facilitate easier management of your data board.
Last updated
All the data boards will be shown as tabs in the sub-navigation tab group with a chevron to scroll and navigate through the list left or right.
There are several features that you can use to manage your data board.
Case 1: You can click the ⋮ icon beside the data board that you wish to manage.
Under "Edit Setting", you can edit the board name and board description.
Under "Manage Fields", you can manage fields of the data board. You can add new fields, search for fields, edit fields, show/hide fields on board and delete fields.
You can delete existing data boards (except the default data board).
Case 2: You can click the arrow to expand and open the board management panel.
You can view all the data boards under the organization in the board management panel.
You can search the data board list in the board management panel.
You can reorder the data board's shown order by dragging the data board up or down.
You can hide or show a data board from the sub-navigation tab group.
You can create a new data board by clicking on Add New.