provides two methods to integrate with iMBrace: OAuth tokens and personal API tokens. OAuth tokens provide more fine-grained control over the permissions that are granted to external apps like iMBrace. The following instructions show how to integrate with iMBrace using either method.

Account integration using API token

You will need:

  • A account to integrate with iMBrace

  • A user with access to the above account (admin access is not required)

For more information, you may refer to the official monday Developers documentation.

STEP 1: Open the drop-down menu in the top-right corner, then go to Account > [Developers].

STEP 2: In the left side-bar, go to [My access tokens].

STEP 3: You will be able to access your API token here. Copy the token by clicking [Show], then clicking [Copy].

STEP 4: In iMBrace, create a new credential of type Monday.Com API, paste the copied token into the Token V2 field, then click [Create].

DONE: The credential can then be used for nodes.

Account integration using OAuth

You will need:

  • A account to integrate with iMBrace

  • A user with access to the above account (admin access is not required)

For more information, you may refer to the official monday Developers documentation.

STEP 1: Open the drop-down menu in the top-right corner, then go to Account > [Developers].

STEP 2: In the left side-bar, go to [My apps]. Then click [Build app] or [Create app].

STEP 3: Fill in the relevant information for your new app. Finish creating the app by clicking [Save App] at the bottom.

STEP 4: Under App Credentials, identify the client ID and client secret. You can view the secret by clicking [Show], and you can copy the ID and secret by clicking [Copy].

STEP 5: In iMBrace, create a new credential of type Monday.Com OAuth2 API and paste the copied client ID and client secret into their respective fields. Also identify and copy the OAuth Redirect URL. You can copy the redirect URL by clicking [Copy URL].

STEP 6: In the monday Developer Center, go to [OAuth] in the left side-bar.

STEP 7: Under the Scopes tab, select the boards:read and boards:write scopes.

STEP 8: Under the Redirect URLs tab, paste the copied redirect URL from step 5 into the Redirect URLs field. Then click [Save Feature] at the bottom.

STEP 9: In iMBrace, finish creating the credential by clicking [Connect].

DONE: The credential can then be used for nodes.

Last updated