
Microsoft Outlook, Teams, OneDrive, Excel, etc.

Microsoft provides a standardized way to access their APIs through Microsoft Azure. This can be done using OAuth. Once configured, you can use your credentials to authenticate the following nodes:

Microsoft compatible nodes


Microsoft Dynamics CRM


Microsoft Excel


Microsoft Graph Security


Microsoft OneDrive


Microsoft Outlook


Microsoft Teams


Microsoft To Do


Account integration using OAuth

To begin, you will need:

STEP 1: Access the Microsoft Application Registration Portal.

STEP 2: Click on the [Register an application] button.

STEP 3: Enter a name for your app in the Name field.

STEP 4: Select Accounts in any organizational directory (Any Azure AD directory - Multitenant) and personal Microsoft accounts (eg. Skype, Xbox) under the Supported account types section.

STEP 5: In iMBrace, copy the OAuth Callback URL provided in the Microsoft node credentials.

STEP 6: Paste it in the Redirect URI (optional) field on the Register an application page.

STEP 7: Click on the [Register] button.

STEP 8: Copy the Application (client) ID.

STEP 9: In iMBrace, enter the name for your credentials in the Credentials Name field in the Microsoft node credentials (In this case, Microsoft Outlook).

STEP 10: In iMBrace, paste the Application ID in the Client ID field in the Microsoft node credentials.

STEP 11: On your Microsoft application page, click on [Certificates & secrets] in the left sidebar.

STEP 12: Click on the [+ New client secret] button under the Client secrets section.

STEP 13: Enter a description in the Description field.

STEP 14: Click on the [Add] button.

STEP 15: Copy the displayed secret under the Value column.

STEP 16: In iMBrace, paste the secret in the Client Secret field in the Microsoft node credentials.

STEP 17: Click on the [Connect] button in the OAuth section to connect a Microsoft account to iMBrace.

STEP 18: Login to your Microsoft account and allow the app to access your info.

STEP 19: In iMBrace, click on the [Save] button in the Microsoft node credentials to save your credentials.

DONE: The credential can then be used for Microsoft nodes.

Last updated